Back from summer holiday

Today’s my first day back after a long family getaway and—here’s a first—self-imposed digital vacation. When I traveled in the past, I always checked email, sometimes answered phone calls, usually posted on social media, and doom-scrolled daily. This time I was determined to focus on family and being present in the moment. I wasn’t “perfect,” but it felt good and I’m glad I made the effort because this trip did what it is supposed to: rested my mind, recharged my batteries and inspired creative ideas. 

When you work as a consultant, it’s easy to think any missed communication might make or break your business. But this year I asked myself: Would I want to work with someone who expects me to work on vacation? I feel fortunate that all the people I work with also support time off, and taking them up on their offer to actually go on vacation felt right. I’m happy to be back and inspired with ideas from Paris and Rome!


Creativity Hack


Appreciation post